Mindware Toys & Games
MindWare is the award-winning creator, manufacturer and distributor of Brainy Toys for Kids of All Ages.
MindWare is passionate about filling the world with fun, high-quality products that foster lifelong learning, growth and success.
Mindware Qwirkle Travel
MindwareAge: 6 Years+ Featuring a massive amount of in-game choices, including three tiles each of thirty-six possible color-symbol combinations, Qwirkle i...
View full detailsMindware Seek-a-Boo!
Mindware18+Months "Can you find the dog?...How about the banana?" "The apple is red, can you find something else that is red?" Seek-a-Boo is an engaging wa...
View full detailsPeaceable Kingdom Topper Takes a Trip Game
Peaceable KingdomAge : 2 Year+ Parents will take an imaginative trip with their toddler when they play Topper Takes a Trip! Topper's suitcase is part of the adventu...
View full detailsPeaceable Kingdom Pick Me Up, Piggy! - A Cooperative Game
Peaceable KingdomAge : 3 Year+ Driving a toy truck is more fun, educational and rewarding than ever when children play Pick Me Up, Piggy! In addition to using their...
View full detailsPeaceable Kingdom Temporary Tattoos
Peaceable KingdomAge : 3 Years+ This set of tattoos is a perfect use it as a gift to yourself. Simply transfer the design to your wrist with the help of some water...
View full detailsPeaceable Kingdom Button, Button, Belly Button Coloring Matching Game
Peaceable KingdomAge : 2 Year+ Peaceable Kingdom does it again! Button, Button, Belly Button engages 2-year-olds with a topic that’s familiar and fun – belly button...
View full detailsPeaceable Kingdom Smoosh And Seek Treehouse Cooperative Games
Peaceable KingdomAge : 3 Year+ This memory game has a satisfying twist – or should we say smoosh! In Smoosh and Seek Treehouse, kids work together to remember where...
View full detailsPeaceable Kingdom Panda’s Picnic in The Park Game
Peaceable KingdomAge : 2 Year+ Kids and parents can play together to match shapes and colors at a pretend picnic with Panda. Toddlers delight at the surprises they ...
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